1) 行車速度不得超過每小時10公里。
2) 每輛車須停泊在指定之單獨車位內。
3) 除在緊急情況而又得管理人員事先批准,任何人士不得在場內維修車輛。
4) 任何人士須遵照管理人員之指示。
5) 除事先獲得管理人員批准及遵照其指示,任何人士不得在場內清洗車輛。
6) 除事先獲得管理人員批准及遵照其指示,任何人士不得在場內上落貨物。
7) 任何人士在場內須遵守『道路交通條例第 374章』。
8) 本公司有權拒絕任何車輛進入本場。
9) 公司有權扣留及公開售賣以下車輛:
10) 使用人須繳付指定之泊車費及其他費用如條款11和12所指明。
11) 如使用人違反停車場泊車條款,本公司可將其車輛扣留。並有權將其車輛拖離本場,而使用人更須繳付泊車費及其他有關費用。
12) 如使用人未能交回其時租卡,其泊車費將由開始泊入當日起以整天計。不足一日亦以廿四小時計算,餘此類推。
13) 時租使用人在駛離本場時,須交還其時租卡。
14) 本場內之車輛如有損壞及失竊,本公司概不負責。
15) 除本公司特別指明,月租人士須將有效之停車證貼在車頭擋風玻璃。
16) 使用人未能付清其費用,本公司可扣留其車輛直至有關費用付清為止。
17) 本公司有權隨時更改上述之條款而毋須事先通知。
1) Speed shall not exceed 10km per hour.
2) Each vehicle may only be parked within one designated space.
3) No maintenance or repair shall be carried out except in cases of emergency and then only with the prior permission of the carpark attendants and in accordance with their directions.
4) Any instructions which may be given by carpark attendants must be complied with.
5) Vehicles shall not be washed or cleaned in the carpark except with the prior permission of the carpark attendants and then only in accordance with their directions.
6) No loading or unloading of goods shall be carried out in the carpark except with the prior permission of the carpark attendants and then only in accordance with their directions.
7) The Road Traffic Ordinance Cap 374 and its subsidiary legislation shall apply in this carpark.
8) The company reserves the right to refuse entry to the carpark to any vehicle.
9) The company shall have a general lien upon any motor vehicle if :-
10) In consideration of the use of the carpark, the User shall pay the Company the designated rate for the period during which the car is parked and such other costs and administrative charge as may be required under paragraphs 11 and 12.
11) Should the User fail to comply with these conditions, the Company may impound the vehicle until such time as the User has paid the required parking fees and administrative charge. The Company shall be entitled to secure the vehicle in any way it thinks fit and, in its discretion, to remove the vehicle from the carpark.
12) If the hourly parking ticket cannot be produced the User shall pay a parking fee equivalent to one whole day’s parking fees for each day the vehicle is in the carpark.
13) The hourly parking ticket issued to the User must be returned to the Company before the vehicle is driven out from the carpark.
14) The Company shall not be liable for any damage to the vehicle howsoever caused while it is in the carpark nor for any items removed or stolen therefrom.
15) Unless notified by the Company to the contrary a valid monthly pass must be displayed on the windscreen of the vehicle to which it relates.
16) The Company shall have a general lien upon any motor vehicle and its contents until all sums due to the Company shall have been paid in full.
17) These conditions may be varied by the Company at any time without notice.
1) 停車場收費員(全職/兼職)
2) 代客泊車員(全職/兼職)
3) 停車場主管
4) 會計文員
為方便各月租租戶以更方便快捷的方式繳交月租,本公司將與中國建設銀行(亞洲)電子銀行部合作,於 2020年7月25日 至 2020年 12月31日 期間推廣使用電子支付方式繳付月租租金。
活動期内,月租租戶首次經「龍支付HK」商戶以「FPS轉數快」方式繳交本停車場之整月月租費用,即可獲得由中國建設銀行(亞洲)送出之精美迎新禮品一份。 詳情請參閱 *活動條款及細則。
如有任何活動優惠或技術支援查詢,歡迎於辦工時間内致電2817 8718與本公司職員聯絡。
致電建行(亞洲)客戶服務熱線2903 8308查詢。
為優化服務質素及減省顧客的付款程序,我們現已增設「轉數快」戶口供繳交月租之用;客戶只需利用手機掃描展示於收費處的二維碼(QR Code),便可直接把租金轉到本公司之賬戶。
或 把有關之轉數截圖 ( 請註明車牌號碼 )
( 需要收據者,請說明。謝謝! )
如有任何查詢或疑問,可致電2817 8718或與收費處職員聯絡。